
Dr. Norma Gray PhD, Castlemaine

Returning to my home town of Castlemaine to retire I am extremely disappointed at the visual appearance of the Forest Creek area between Ten Foot Bridge and Barker Street. 
I have searched the Mount Alexander Shire Council website to see if I have misunderstood the ‘Castlemaine Creekways Management Plan’ only to discover that on P14 dot point 5 states: provide and showcase links to history – social/cultural/geographical also in the ‘program logic framework’ under Management Goals it states: To protect and celebrate the history and heritage of the Gold- rush era. This brings me to the point I raise. Are these goals being achieved? 
Castlemaine has a very unique history and the levee banks built along this section in the 18th century to divert the natural water flow are part of our
historical heritage, however, only patches are visible limiting their true significance. These stone wall constructions skirt the town centre and could be
incorporated into walking tours if Forest Creek was returned to its natural beauty showcasing the distinctive structure of the creek bed. Similar structures of such historical significance throughout the world have remained in their original state to attract worldwide visitors. My question now is to the residents of Castlemaine: Do we want to see this significant piece of history disappear into the undergrowth that is now our creek?