Message from the Mayor

Easter message from Mayor Christine Henderson 

Hello. This is a strange and difficult time for all of us. Facing a global health pandemic is something I never imagined. Not many of us have. 

We’ve all had to make big changes as we live by new hygiene and physical distancing standards. 

For many people Easter is usually a time for gathering with family and friends, or going camping for the long weekend. 

This year I urge you to stay at home. I know it will be hard but it’s something we must all to do to save lives. 

Luckily most of us can connect with family and friends via phone or online chat. We can send a text, or we can even take some time to write an old-fashioned letter. 

We’re at the start of the marathon. 

While the civic centre doors are closed, please be assured council staff are very much still at work. Our customer service staff are taking calls and responding to requests so please get in touch if you need anything. 

Council is continuing essential services like maternal and child health, immunisations, meals on wheels and supporting our vulnerable clients. 

Road maintenance, bin collection and planning services are running, and our parks and gardens staff maintain our beautiful open spaces that we enjoy during our daily exercise. Being outdoors is an important part of nurturing our wellbeing. 

Staff are working with local business, community groups and food markets to develop new ways of doing things under strict public health standards. This work is essential to keep our local food supply, relief and the local economy going. 

We know we are in it for the long haul, and have announced some early measures on rate relief. Staff and councillors are also looking at how we can support the community and deliver services in creative ways, alongside local health services, emergency services, community groups and volunteers. 

Alongside the efforts of federal, state and local governments, I see inspiring work being done by our community. People are helping and supporting each other through social media pages and other online forums. Neighbours are checking on those living alone to make sure they have some form of connection and support. Thanks to all who are involved in these initiatives. Working together is how we’ll get through this. 

Thank you for continuing to look after yourself and each other at this time. 

To stay up-to-date on Council services during the pandemic visit

Lisa Dennis
Editor of the Castlemaine Mail newspaper and senior journalist on our sister paper the Midland Express. Over the last 24 years Lisa been proudly reporting news in the Mount Alexander and Macedon Ranges communities.