Mount Alexander Shire Council is carrying out a feasibility study into the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and is seeking feedback from community members who have experience with the NDIS.
The study aims to determine the demand for NDIS services in the shire and will inform council’s decision regarding the potential to provide NDIS services in future, such as personal care, home care, youth services, property maintenance, respite, transport or more.
You can complete the survey on your experiences on the NDIS via
Council will also be holding a series of forums later this month.
The Castlemaine NDIS forums will take place on Thursday February 25 at the Town Hall in Lyttleton Street, Castlemaine (enter via Frederick Street. The first forum will run from 10am to 12noon; the second forum from 3pm to 5pm; and the third forum from 6pm to 8pm.
The Maldon NDIS forum is to be held on Friday February 26 from 10.30am to 12noon at Maldon Neighbourhood House, 6 Francis St Maldon. RSVP is not required for the forums. COVIDSafe restrictions will be in place. See the Mail for more details.