Numbers on the rise at Castlemaine Parkrun

Happy parkrunners leading out last Saturday.
Happy parkrunners leading out last Saturday.

‘Normal Transmission’ appears to have returned to Castlemaine Parkrun – at least based on last Saturday’s event.
Adronis Ndihokubwayo attended, he’s been missing these past few weeks, and as usual blitzed the field at 18:58. He was followed across by a group of three terrific runners who always do well: George Targett on 20:49, Glen Taylor on 20:54 and the redoubtable David Reidie on 20:02.
Claire Brien was the first female to finish the 5km course around the gardens on what was a nice morning to head off early for a jaunt, Claire ran 22:15 and was followed by Emily Gaughwin and Caroline Grainger on 24:12 and 25:32 respectively.
‘Well Done’ to all of our first finishers, and indeed to everyone who turned up for their weekly parkrun/parkstroll. Numbers were well up on the last few weeks and we had 60 people complete the course at everything from Adronis’ blistering pace to the more leisurely 58:30 of Ronder Clayton, our Tailwalker and another of our ‘redoubtables’.
Ronder has more than 170 events under her belt and has volunteered in one form or another over 60 times. Remarkable!
Our other volunteers for the day were Michael Constable, Bessie Faircloth, Colin Moore, Glynn Maree Riseley, Karina Taylor, and Chris Timewell – something of an ‘all star cast’ of accomplished runners and dedicated parkrun event organisers. Our thanks are extended to all of them for their great work in making Castlemaine Parkrun the fun time it is and generating that spirit of inclusiveness that seems so characteristic of our run in particular.
Parkrun of course is managed entirely by volunteers and we’re lucky to have a cadre of regulars with great oversight of the event, but typically a steady stream of other people willing to forego their regular run by putting their hand up to assist.
The other notable characteristic of parkrun is that it is enjoyable – whether you’re a good runner or an average stroller we can guarantee you’ll have a nice time. So, if you have been thinking of giving parkrun a go, then please join us at the Botanical Gardens a bit before the 8am briefing – just make sure you register online before and you’ll be good to go.
It’s completely free, you don’t need expensive, or fashionable, gear and it’s all very friendly and suitably low-key.
Hopefully we’ll see you soon and when the Run Director calls out “Any first timers today?” you’ll get the chance to put your hand up and be welcomed to the mob. Happy parkrunning!

Castlemaine Mail
Your source of independent local news in the Mount Alexander Shire.