All set for summer splash

Chewton swimming pool management committee secretary Wendy Hopkins and vice president Frog Peck pictured here with young pool users are anticipating the pool opening

You know summer has as good as arrived when the public outdoor pools start filling.
By this Wednesday afternoon the local Chewton swimming pool was three quarters full and it’s shimmering blue water had local youngsters itching to jump in.
But instead it’s the temperature that’s taken a dive, curtailing hopes that the pool might be opening today.
“We can only open if the temperature is 23 degrees or above,” Chewton Swimming Pool management committee secretary Wendy Hopkins said.  See our story in today’s Castlemaine Mail.

Eve Lamb
Journalist and photographer Eve Lamb has a Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) degree from Deakin University and a Master of Arts (Professional Writing) from Deakin University. She has worked for many regional newspapers including the Hamilton Spectator and the Warrnambool Standard, and has also worked for metro daily, The Hobart Mercury, and The Sunday Tasmanian. Eve has also contributed to various magazines including Australian Cyclist.