
New urgent care clinic

Residents in Bendigo and surrounds can now access free, high-quality health care, with a new Medicare Urgent Care Clinic.

Hydrate and feel great

Mount Alexander Shire Council has partnered with Healthy Loddon Campaspe to install new drinking fountains across the shire, and encourage residents to drink more water and stay hydrated.

Reflections and Memories

Dhelkaya Health is pleased to offer its annual Memorial Service of Reflections and Memories as an online service once again.

All eyes will be on you!

We all have those days when we look in the mirror getting ready to go out and despite our best efforts with products from the make up bag think "Gawd!

Rehabilitation renewal!

Dhelkaya Health's 2024 Equipment Appeal is in full swing and the local hospital welcomes donations to provide new equipment for its outpatient rehabilitation service.

Temporary changes for Urgent Care Centre access

Dhelkaya Health’s main entry transformation project continues at pace, with more accessible health services and improved parking now in sight for the community.

Local Patient Transport service under review

Concerns have been raised about the future of the Dhelkaya Health Volunteer Patient Transport Service with potential discussions about cutting the service back to three days a week.

Respiratory illness on the increase

Victoria is currently experiencing an increase in COVID-19, Influenza and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).

Region hit by virus surge

Victoria is currently experiencing an increase in COVID-19, Influenza and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).

Smiles all round at launch

Accessing quality oral health care is now easier for kids in the local region with the state government’s first Smile Squad specialist hub now open.

Life saving device installed

Community members which frequent one of the many groups or classes at the Castlemaine Uniting Church Hall in Lyttleton Street now have access to a life saving defibrillator device.

A dose of appreciation

The Plymouth Brethren Christian Church’s Rapid Relief Team (RRT) has proudly supported International Nurses Day with volunteers who hosted an appreciation lunch for nurses at Dhelkaya Health.
