Circa 1883
This image is from the collection of G and L Barry and would appear to date specifically from the period 1882 – 1884 because this is the only time that the name of J. Jennings appears in association with the store in any advertisements or news articles in the local paper. He is also listed at this time as a merchant and as an agent for The Colonial Mutual Fire Insurance Company. The buildings at this time appear to be in very good condition with the store located on the right, probably the residence in the centre behind the white fence and the lattice work, and a yard and a storage shed on the left of the image. In the foreground the gutter appears to be quite deep and there are cross overs in front of the store and at the entrance to the yard.

There has been little change to the structure of the buildings since the earlier time, with the store on the right, the old residence in the centre and the yard and shed on the left. However, the buildings are now showing their age. The Five Flags Store has its origins back in the early gold rush days and has been in business on and off for most of the time up until the present. For many years during the twentieth century the Sheehan family ran the business, and at times during the depression of the early 1930s accepted gold as payment for goods. The name of the new business is now; Five Flags, Merchants, established 1853, Cafe and General Store. Information and images were kindly supplied by Ken McKimmie.