Mount Alexander Shire Council is continuing work to repair and restore the former Wesleyan Church in Chewton.
Built in the 1850s the historic church has sat vacant since 2010.
In 2017 the council resolved to sell the building, however, following advocacy efforts by members of the community, councillors determined in 2021 to undertake works to restore the former church.
Works began in November 2022 and have included the removal of rotten and damaged timber and concrete flooring, roof repairs, brick repairs, and restoration.
Stage two works proposed for 2023-2024 include the installation of an accessible entrance to the building, an accessible toilet and a kitchenette to support community use of the building once complete.
The church will remain closed to the public over the coming year whilst works continue.
For more information, contact Michelle Hayward, Council’s Buildings and Projects Coordinator on m.hayward@mountalexander.vic.gov.au or 5471 1700.