Mount Alexander Shire Council has narrowly voted in favour of issuing planning approval for a controversial telecommunications tower to be installed at Wesley Hill, with angry objectors labelling the result a “cop out” at this week’s council meeting.
Optus says the proposed telco tower is part of its nationwide rollout to improve mobile black spots but local objectors view it as the telco seeking to profit at the expense of local residents and, particularly, visual amenity.
The proposal, which will see a telco facility atop a floodlight tower in the southwest part of Wesley Hill Recreation Reserve, has attracted fierce opposition from many local residents with the council receiving 64 objections.
The proposal is for a 35-metre monopole with three 2.5-metre-long antennas giving a total height of just over 38 metres, and a parabolic dish structure of 29 metres. Full story in today’s Mail (Friday, September 20, 2019)