Last year’s mass fish kill in the Darling River system moved plenty of people to tears, but few were as moved to action as Maldon father and son duo Peter Yates and Rory McLeod.
The two were so affected by the environmental tragedy impacting the nation’s iconic Murray-Darling river system they decided to do something about it.
Equipped with a trusty video camera, a successful crowdfunding campaign and a fierce determination, the two set off travelling 15,000 kilometres over multiple trips to make a documentary aimed at understanding and helping find solutions for the problem.
Teaming up with a professional producer and editor for the final stages, Peter and Rory never expected the end result would so quickly reap the results it has.
Already their debut doco entitled When The River Runs Dry has picked up three American Golden Picture Awards recently announced in Florida.
“It got Best Long Documentary, Best Cinematography and Best Sound,” Rory notes.
Last Saturday the local father and son duo attended a featured Q&A session as their debut doco made its premiere at Melbourne’s Nova cinema as part of the Transitions Film Festival.
Closer to home the documentary will screen for the first time at Castlemaine’s Theatre Royal at 7.30pm on March 4 with Peter and Rory attending for an audience Q&A. Read more in today’s Castlemaine Mail. Friday, February 28, 2020.