$399,000 for Castlemaine Diggings

The federal government has awarded Parks Victoria a $399,000 heritage grant for the conservation and improvement of interpretation and access to the northern section of the Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park.

The funding will improve future visitor experiences throughout the northern section of the park; focusing on improved access for all visitors and enhanced site interpretation to help people learn more about the area’s gold mining history.

Project components will include access improvements to parking, trails, and directional signage; interpretive signage at key sites, including Garfield Wheel; and interpretive signage on walking tracks to allow people to learn more about the park on self-guided site walks. See the Mail for the full story. Out now.

Lisa Dennis
Editor of the Castlemaine Mail newspaper and senior journalist on our sister paper the Midland Express. Over the last 24 years Lisa been proudly reporting news in the Mount Alexander and Macedon Ranges communities.