Police call to report culprits … quick

Three youths were caught on the spot when their vandalism at a Castlemaine primary school in recent days caught the attention of a member of the public who was quick to report it to police.
The three youths were apprehended after a member of the public heard glass bottles being smashed at Castlemaine North Primary, police said.
The incident illustrates the importance of being quick to report vandalism or graffiti while it’s still happening, says Acting Senior Sergeant Gary Walter at Castlemaine. Get the full story in the Mail …

Eve Lamb
Journalist and photographer Eve Lamb has a Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) degree from Deakin University and a Master of Arts (Professional Writing) from Deakin University. She has worked for many regional newspapers including the Hamilton Spectator and the Warrnambool Standard, and has also worked for metro daily, The Hobart Mercury, and The Sunday Tasmanian. Eve has also contributed to various magazines including Australian Cyclist.