If those graves could tell their tales…

Ken James, Ray Pattle and Max Kay have collaborated to produce 'Guildford Cemetery: Commemorating 150 years since the first burial 1871-2021' - set to be launched next month. Photo: Eve Lamb

Eve Lamb

If the yesteryear souls interred in our regions’ local cemeteries could speak they might tell tales like those unearthed in the new book on Guildford Cemetery.
Keen local history researchers Yapeen’s Max Kay and Guildford’s Ray Pattle have again teamed up with Melbourne-based researcher Ken James to produce Guildford Cemetery: Commemorating 150 years since the first burial 1871-2021.
Besides giving a general history of the local cemetery and a listing of all its known interments, the new 183-page volume teases out the personal stories behind 50 of its occupants who lie at rest within, dating all the way back to the first – Vincenzo Canevasani, interred after dying at age 42 in December 1871.
“We’ve pulled 50 people out of their graves to tell their stories,” says Max who concentrated on writing the book’s “colour” while humbly attributing the countless hours of painstaking factual research that have gone into its production to Ken and Ray. Read more in today’s Mail…

Eve Lamb
Journalist and photographer Eve Lamb has a Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) degree from Deakin University and a Master of Arts (Professional Writing) from Deakin University. She has worked for many regional newspapers including the Hamilton Spectator and the Warrnambool Standard, and has also worked for metro daily, The Hobart Mercury, and The Sunday Tasmanian. Eve has also contributed to various magazines including Australian Cyclist.