Eve Lamb
An Earthmoving contractor’s depot proposed for Butchers Road at Muckleford has again been knocked back by Mount Alexander Shire Council amid safety concerns.
The application to establish the depot, that would have seen heavy earth moving vehicles turn off the increasingly busy Maldon-Castlemaine Road near the top of a hillside crest, had initially been rejected by the council at its October meeting amid outstanding road safety concerns.
However that decision had been rescinded at the councils’ November meeting after additional information relating to traffic safety provisions had come to light.
When it went back before the council at last Tuesday night’s December council meeting Cr Gary McClure spoke strongly in favour of granting approval for the depot to go ahead.
“I’m satisfied at this point that all of the traffic management issues have been addressed,” Cr McClure told the meeting, arguing in favour of granting approval.
But councillors Stephen Gardner and Cr Matthew Driscoll were among those who remained opposed due to strongly-held concerns about the potential impacts on traffic safety on the increasingly busy Maldon-Castlemaine Road. Read more in the Castlemaine Mail…