Eve Lamb
Mount Alexander Shire Council will not be supporting the latest amended plan for a proposed new supermarket for Castlemaine when the matter goes before VCAT next month.
Following a closely contested vote at this week’s council meeting the council resolved to go against an officer recommendation that would have seen it supportive of the latest amended proposal for the supermarket that’s controversially mooted for Duke Street.
The matter is listed to go before VCAT in March with the civil affairs arbiter set to determine whether the controversial proposal by Lascorp Investment Group, will be able to go ahead amid some strong opposition to the latest plan for what is now an unbranded supermarket at the old gas works site on one of Castlemaine’s signature gateways.
When the controversial matter was dealt with during Tuesday evening’s council meeting, mayor Cr Bill Maltby declared a conflict and left the council chamber.
Councillors Stephen Gardner, Tony Cordy and Christine Henderson all voted in favour of the council officer’s recommendation that would have seen the council take a supportive stance of the latest amended plans when the matter goes before VCAT.
“This is a position to VCAT. It’s not a decision of this council,” Cr Henderson pointed out.
Cr Henderson also indicated that she believed it unlikely that VCAT would knock back the amended application, and that supporting it represented the best chance for the council to now help lock in changes thrashed out in an effort to address multiple concerns including those relating to traffic flow, visual amenity and liquor sales.
But councillors … read more in today’s Castlemaine Mail