Mount Alexander Shire Council is encouraging residents to provide input on plans to improve Castlemaine’s Camp Reserve.
Council released the new designs late last week and is encouraging community members to attend one of two drop-in information sessions to be held at the Camp Reserve clubrooms tomorrow Saturday September 3 from 10am to 1pm and next Tuesday September 6 between 4pm and 7pm.
Residents can also share feedback via council’s Shape Mount Alexander website at www.shape.mountalexander.vic.gov.au and complete the online survey.
Hardcopies of the draft designs are also available to view at the Civic Centre in Lyttleton Street.
In September 2020, council approved a master plan for the site, which provides direction for improvements at the reserve over the coming years.
The first stage of priority works includes the construction of a new pavilion and netball courts, which will provide modern facilities that are fit for purpose and meet the needs of sporting clubs and community members, now and into the future.
Council has developed draft designs of the proposed improvements, which include: construction of a new single sports pavilion with additional change rooms, new social room and community space, match day kiosk, umpires all gender change rooms, and public toilets. This building will be located on the western side of the oval and will replace the three existing pavilions at the north of the site.
The plans would also see the relocation and development of two new netball/multipurpose courts towards the south of the reserve (adjacent to Forest Street).
The proposed works would include improved car parking, pathways, access roads and landscaping surrounding the new development zones.
Mayor Bill Maltby said the improvements provide safe and accessible facilities for the whole community to enjoy.
“These improvements have been developed following community input, and stand to benefit the entire community,” Cr Maltby said.
“It will transform the space into one that’s modern, multi-functional, and able to be used by a larger proportion of residents.”
The master plan aims to strike the right balance between keeping historic features and traditions at the reserve, while bringing the major sports facility up to modern day standards.
Construction of proposed works outlined in the first stage of the master plan will require the removal and replacement of some existing vegetation at the reserve. This includes the removal of one Peppercorn Tree and two English Elms, located near the Forest Street entrance and frontage, two River Red Gums near the internal access road and one small Eucalyptus near Gingell Street.
The proposed removal of the trees to make way for the netball courts is strongly objected to by some local residents. There is also opposition to the placement of the pavilion on the western edge of the reserve, closer to residences in Gingell Street, and upset over what residents say has been a lack of community consultation.
As part of the next stage of design development process, council says it will develop a comprehensive tree planting plan to guide how new vegetation can be introduced into Camp Reserve to complement existing and new features.
Elements at the reserve with heritage significance such as the agricultural pavilion and horse stables will remain.
“Camp Reserve is an important community asset so it’s important we hear your feedback on what you like about the draft designs and what could be improved,” Cr Maltby said.
Council will carry out the recommendations in the master plan over a number of years, and in various stages pending funding. Feedback closes on September 22.