Castlemaine Woolies gets the green light

An artwork of the proposed supermarket on the approach to Castlemaine.
An artwork of the proposed supermarket on the approach to Castlemaine.

The Victorian Civil Administration Tribunal (VCAT) has released its long awaited decision in relation to the proposed supermarket for Castlemaine’s former gasworks site.

The authority has set aside Mount Alexander Shire Council’s decision in relation to the amended permit for the larger supermarket, paving the way for developer Lascorp Investment Group Pty Ltd to move ahead with plans to build the new supermarket subject to conditions.

VCAT members stated “we find that the proposed supermarket and two specialty shops are an as-of-right use in this location and that the design response is acceptable in terms of neighbourhood character, layout, built form, scale, traffic, carparking and landscaping.”

Lascorp has previously confirmed the proposed supermarket would be a Woolworths.

Mount Alexander Shire Council had originally granted a permit for a smaller 1,500m2 supermarket development and two speciality shops at the site in April 2018. However, the developer then submitted plans for a larger 3300m2 supermarket.

The developer took the matter to VCAT when the council did not make a determination on the permit in the prescribed time.

Mount Alexander Shire Council later voted against supporting the amended permit for the larger supermarket and took this stance to the tribunal hearing earlier this year. Local advocacy group Size Matters were among the community groups to make representations to the tribunal hearing held over various dates in March, July and August and have worked hard to keep the community informed throughout the extensive process.

Posting a statement earlier today the group said “we finally have a decision; not the one that many of us were hoping for”.

The group thanked everyone involved in this very protracted matter. “It is our sincere hope that with the granting of the permit to build the larger supermarket that the developer will now do the right thing by the community and begin construction as soon as possible. As we argued all the way through the VCAT hearing, this decision will change the nature and character of Castlemaine forever. We can only hope now that, when the supermarket is constructed, it will deliver the convenience, competition and price relief that so many are hoping for,” they said.

Lisa Dennis
Editor of the Castlemaine Mail newspaper and senior journalist on our sister paper the Midland Express. Over the last 24 years Lisa been proudly reporting news in the Mount Alexander and Macedon Ranges communities.