Raising funds for asthma awareness

The Maldon boys are warming up for the three legged races - just some of the fun to be had at this year's RACE YA Family Fun Day in Maldon. Photo: Jade Jungwirth.
The Maldon boys are warming up for the three legged races - just some of the fun to be had at this year's RACE YA Family Fun Day in Maldon. Photo: Jade Jungwirth.

The ‘RACE YA’ Family Fun Day Asthma Australia fundraiser will be held Sunday April 16 in memory of Maldon teen Ned Cameron who died suddenly of an acute asthma attack in 2016.
Ned’s mum Kristy Lang initiated the event to honour his memory, raise funds for Asthma Australia and increase education about the condition.
More than $58,800 has been raised in Ned’s honour over the past five years through donations and RACE YA family fun days and Kristy is hoping to raise more money than ever at this yea’rs event at the Bill Woodfull Reserve (Maldon Football Netball Ground).
There will be heaps to do from running races, to tug-a-war, face painting, gumboot toss, nail drive, the egg toss and much more. There will also be a silent auction, a raffle, a vintage car display, motorbike rides, food and drinks and a lolly hunt.
RACE YA was founded in 2018 to raise awareness and funds for Asthma Australia in memory of Ned who died almost five and a half years ago, at age 14.
“We are hoping to make people more informed about asthma. Ned only ever had mild asthma and I remember the first time I went to my doctor, a couple of days after his death, and she told me a third of the people who die of asthma, only have mild asthma and I was shocked,” the mum said.
“To date we have raised nearly $60,000 and while raising money for Asthma Australia we have also been able to give back to the community, implementing education, information and asthma emergency kits into local schools and sporting clubs,” Kristy said.
“RACE YA is also an opportunity for families to spend an inexpensive day together, with heaps to do and the kids can forget about their screens. Life is too short to not enjoy time together,” Kristy said.
Go along and enjoy a good old-fashioned family day out on Sunday April 16 at the Bill Woodfull Reserve, Maldon from 11am. Entry is $10 adult, $5 child or $25 family.
All profits and donations go directly to Asthma Australia. Donations can also be made directly to the RACE YA account – BSB: 633000 Account: 165285826.

Jade Jungwirth
Jade is the former Editor of the Tarrangower Times and has lived in the region for over 16 years.