Save Maldon’s Easter Parade

Just days before the annual Maldon Easter parade, Regional Roads Victoria gave the all-clear to close Main Street for the duration of the event.

The possible re-routing of Maldon’s 146th Easter parade from its standard path caused considerable uncertainty for organisers.
Just days before the annual event, Regional Roads Victoria gave the all-clear to close Main Street for the duration of the parade. But doubts remain over whether this decision will stand in future years.
An online petition has now begun circulated stating that the 147th parade is under threat due to RRV rules allowing High Street to be used as a route for B-double trucks, which does not allow for closure during the parade.
The petition asks that the parade continues in its current form forever and that RRV should bypass Maldon’s historic precinct as B-double trucks impact the historic aspects and structures of the town.
The petition has received hundreds of signatures with a number of residents and visitors to the area commenting on the importance of continuing the Easter parade in its current format.
One resident from Castlemaine asked why the trucks couldn’t bypass for just one day.
“The Easter parade has been going for as long as I can remember and it’s always been a great family day out. Please, please, please, let it continue!” Karen Gregory said.
David Hutchings from Lockwood South said the parade, our history and heritage were more important than a two-hour closure of a road.
“Compliance, and lack of respect for country communities gone mad,” David said.
The issue of the heavily used truck route through Victoria’s First Notable Town has been an ongoing one. Many residents believe an alternative truck route should be implemented permanently, not just for the Easter Festival.
“I live in Maldon and love the historic aspects of this town, including the Easter parade. Having loud B-double trucks come through our small town is a risk at any time, with a high number of pedestrians crossing High Street and needing to be wary of these large vehicles,” Maldon resident Justine Gale said.
Another Maldon resident said the town was too small to have large trucks driving through and they didn’t adhere to the 40km/h limit.
Long-time resident Dennis Prosser said a permanent bypass should be made for B-double vehicles due to the vibrational damage caused to the historic buildings.
“Recent changes to the town’s streets increase the potential for accidents. NOT a truck-friendly route,” Dennis said.

Jade Jungwirth
Jade is the former Editor of the Tarrangower Times and has lived in the region for over 16 years.