The Progress Pride Flag is flying at Chewton CFA station to acknowledge IDAHOBIT, the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia. IDAHOBIT takes place every year on May 17.
It was established in 1990 as a day for everyone to reflect on and take a stand against LGBTQIA+ discrimination.
This local CFA brigade has taken action to demonstrate that they aim to be a welcoming and inclusive brigade to everyone in the Chewton community and beyond. This is in keeping with CFA’s commitment to respecting and embracing all members, including people of all genders and sexualities.
Recent Chewton Brigade recruit Lil Waters says she was pleased by the brigade’s decision to acknowledge IDAHOBIT.
“It’s a reminder of how far we’ve come, thanks to the work that LGBTQIA+ people have put in before us,” Lil says. “It’s also a reminder that we still have a long way to go until all people are treated with kindness and respect.”
Jesse Boylan, the brigade’s incoming 2nd Lieutenant, Training Officer and Equal Opportunity Officer, agrees. “Flying the flag sends a message to LGBTIQ+ people in our community who might be thinking about joining the CFA, but are unsure if it will be a safe and welcoming place to enter.”
As a volunteer fire brigade, Chewton CFA is always looking for more members to join, either as operational firefighters or in other supporting capacities.
“While the CFA at large is still making progress to change and be more welcoming,” Jesse says, “we can all work to make individual brigades a better place to be for everyone.”
“If you are thinking about joining,” they add, “come down on a Sunday for a chat and see if you think it might be something you want to be a part of.”
Chewton CFA is located at 1 Mount Street, Chewton. The shed is open to everyone on most Sunday mornings.
You can also find them on Facebook and Instagram at @chewtonfirebrigade.