Local history buff and photographer David Williamson had the opportunity to enjoy a tour behind the scenes of the new Woolworths Castlemaine supermarket build last Thursday August 1 with representatives of Maben which are carrying out the build on behalf of Lascorp Investment Group.
Williamson has been documenting the changing face of Castlemaine for many years and has been watching the development closely and documenting the historic build from the ground up.
Mr Williamson said the tour with Maben management was very much appreciated and an amazing experience.
“Ahead of the walk through I was provided with the regulatory safety equipment to be on the construction site,” he said.
“It’s not until walking through the buildings, that one realises exactly how big they are inside.
“Once completed, the roof on the main supermarket will be covered with solar panels.
“A rain garden has been constructed on site, which will see water from the roof filtered. Rainwater will be stored in underground tanks,” he said.
“These underground tanks were installed under the car park during the ground works carried out during the early construction stage.
“The rainwater from the large roof will be stored in these tanks and will be used to flush toilets and water the garden beds in the car park, as well as gardens alongside the main building,”Mr Williamson said.
“On the external side of the walls of the main building facing Forest Street, will be a trellis framework on which an evergreen creeper vine will grow as part of the landscaping detail,” he said.
“It’s amazing to see the supermarket taking shape. As I stated in my recent letter to the paper I think it will be great for the battlers looking for choice and local employment with Woolworths estimating approximately 130 local people will work in store, plus another 30 local people to deliver goods.”
Windows had been installed in the specialty shops lining Forest Street late last week and work had begun to install window frames on the main supermarket building.
A Lascorp Investment Group spokesperson recently told the Mail that builders Maben were making great progress and Lascorp still have every intention of opening the new Castlemaine store by the end of the year.