A sense of deeper connection
The Christian liturgical season known as Lent has just begun.
A crucial clock counts down
A critical scientific and technological warning for the world recently slipped past.
Who can we trust?
Do you find that it’s becoming harder to trust people?
Forgiveness at the heart
Forgiveness is at the heart of the gospel, the good news about the Lord Jesus Christ.
Just How Can We Know About God?
Many people claim to know God, or things about God.
Faith is more than religion
Faith is absolute trust or confidence in a person or thing, it’s often used in association with religion but it’s not exclusively religious.
A time of celebration
Last Sunday December 1 marked the start of the Advent Season, the time when we look forward to celebrating the birth of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Materialism, wealth and true blessings
Jesus had an encounter with a rather rich young man.
What do we believe?
As a youngster I felt invisible, a misfit, Dad seemed to be distant and my self worth was low.
Three days of significance- Spooks, Saints and Souls
For many used to the celebrations of All Saints and All Souls (November 1 & 2 specifically) what I write here will be well known.
The Good Samaritan
"A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he fell into the hands of robbers.
The best measuring stick
When I was just 13 years old I was too tall 186cm using my dad’s yellow tape measure over a head taller than all my classmates and mistaken by adults as being 18 years old.