Petition success

Donna Thomas, Campbells Creek

I am delighted that the petition I created, and which was subsequently supported by 81 fellow petitioners, requesting that Mount Alexander Shire Council seal the unsealed section of Eleanor Drive in Campbells Creek has been successful.
I urged the local community and the council to act on this issue when I was alerted to a project to replace two bridges on Fryers Road Campbells Creek, which would see Eleanor drive used as a detour route.
The council’s capital works section on its website stated that traffic count data showed in excess of 800 vehicles per day use the bridges, and those vehicles would be diverted during construction of these new bridges, using the existing detour for heavy vehicles through a residential
area via Eleanor Drive, which is part unsealed.
I started the petition as I felt it would be unsafe to have this huge amount of traffic and potentially heavy vehicles use the road in its current condition.
Moving the motion Cr Bill Maltby said the project was timely as the road should have been sealed 20 years ago when the development took place.
I’m really pleased with this result and I am sure my fellow petitioners and local residents are too. I thank the councillors and council staff for making this happen.

Lisa Dennis
Editor of the Castlemaine Mail newspaper and senior journalist on our sister paper the Midland Express. Over the last 24 years Lisa been proudly reporting news in the Mount Alexander and Macedon Ranges communities.