Remembering our Queen

Robyn Yeoward, Harcourt North

Last Friday I began placing flowers on the left panel of my front gate as I left home (pictured). I will keep adding another bloom each time I go out, until Her Royal Highness’s funeral.

The message is “I’m missing you and thank you so very much for being so nice, kind, friendly and a wonderful role model. Are other daughters leaving flowers on their front gates in memory HRH?

A royal welcome

Winsome Holland, Castlemaine

I remember being a 13-year-old and very exited as the Queen was coming to town. The council had built a platform outside the station and decorated it with shrubs and flowers.

Suddenly polio hit the town and she was not allowed to get off the train to visit us. Being a high school student we were all herded down to the station platform to await the arrival of her train.

Around the bend it came and made its way through the station very slowly and we all cheered as she and her husband stood on the platform at the end of her carriage and gave us a wave.

Castlemaine Mail
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