Living with the weather

This really has been a pretty terrible Spring for sporting codes. More matches than normal have been washed out. In the Castlemaine District Tennis Association sometimes tennis matches have had to be delayed for an hour or more before starting. Sometimes we have just managed to finish a Saturday morning match 15 minutes before the rain descended.
Tolerating bad weather is just something you have to get used to when playing sport.
Sometimes our players have to keep playing through drizzle to finish their sets. I suppose getting used to weather variations – whether rain, wind, or scorching sun – essentially it is all part of the fun of playing an outdoor sport – and tolerating this helps build resilience for our players and team managers – so perhaps it is all part of the glory of the outdoor Australian life!
CDTA results for Saturday December 10 were as follows:
Junior A Grade
Castlemaine Kelpies defeated Castlemaine Rockets 4 matches 8 sets to 2 matches 6 set, 6 points to 2. Castlemaine Rogue Four defeated Castlemaine Sharks 6 matches 12 sets to 0 matches 0 sets, 8 points to 0.
Junior B Grade
Newstead Kangaroos defeated Maldon Mavericks 5 matches 11 sets to 1 match 3 sets, 7 points to 1. Castlemaine Bandits defeated Castlemaine Powerhits 5 matches 10 sets to 1 match 3 sets, 7 points to 1. Castlemaine Death Adders defeated Harcourt 5 matches 11 sets to 1 match 4 sets, 7 points to 1.
Junior C Grade
Castlemaine Flaming Balls defeated Castlemaine Stars in a very close tussle 3 matches 9 sets 35 games to 3 matches 7 sets 37 games – 5 points to 3 – as the match was decided on number of sets won. Maldon Masters defeated Newstead Wallabies 6 matches 9 sets to 0 matches 1 sets, 8 points to 0.
Junior Ladders to Saturday December 10 were:
A Grade: 1 Rogue Four 53; 2 Kelpies 43.5; 3 Rockets 27.5; 4 Sharks 4 (All Castlemaine teams).
B Grade: 1 Castlemaine Bandits 48; 2 Castlemaine Powerhits 39; 3 Newstead Kangaroos 32; 4 Castlemaine Death Adders 32; 5 Maldon Mavericks 28; 6 Harcourt 13
C Grade: 1 Maldon Masters 51; 2 Castlemaine Flaming Balls 44; 3 Castlemaine Stars 28; 4 Newstead Wallabies 5.

Castlemaine Mail
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