Local Profiles

My Castlemaine with Marieanne Heard (Part 1)

Born in Kangaroo Flat to German immigrants, Marieanne and her brother and sister learnt how to survive with very little money, recycling things wherever possible.

My Castlemaine with Michael Johnston (Part 2)

The second installment of Michael's interview.

My Castlemaine with Michael Johnston (Part 1)

As soon as he'd completed high school in Benalla, Michael headed straight to the big smoke to study.

My Castlemaine with Richard Morrell (Part Two)

Finding himself a space to build a studio in the Meat Market in North Melbourne changed Richard's trajectory and connected him with a like-minded community.

My Castlemaine with Richard Morrell: Part One

Arriving in Australia at the age of 23, Richard Morrell, an English-born motorbike enthusiast, borrowed a friend's bike and made the journey from Melbourne to Castlemaine.

My Moolort with David Coutts

Hi David, you were born and raised in Moolort.

My Castlemaine with Alice Steel

Throughout my whole life art and science have had this beautiful symbiotic relationship, yet most of my schooling and societal pressures try to get you to conform to one or the other.

My Campbells Creek with Josh Smith

"I like honesty. I like people to be real and I like my art to be real. Freedom of speech is important to me."

My Campbells Creek with Jane Rusden

"I'm forever grateful that my parents put that focus on my education because it meant that I had remedial teaching all the way through school. I didn't learn to read or write until I was eight or nine years old."

My Guildford with Alf Partridge

"One of the first things I did when I moved here was join the brigade and I've been with them ever since. I used to drive the truck a lot."

My Castlemaine with Lynne Kelly Parts 1 & 2

"I use 10km around Castlemaine for my memory palaces. A memory palace is basically a simplified songline. Our brains are set up to associate information with place. As I go to each location, I have every country in the world mapped, and then I add layer after layer of information, using that location and creating a story with it."

My Castlemaine with Rob McHaffie

"I’d always loved looking at peoples faces. When I was young I would head down to the local newsagency and buy National Geographic and pop magazines and I’d go home and draw the faces. My mum took me to a Van Gogh show when I was really young and I remember standing in front of the straw chair thinking, ‘someone does this for a job’. "


Satisfaction survey begins

The Kiss with a twist

On the Mount