Schools turn cans into cash
Schools across Mount Alexander Shire have embraced the fundraising possibilities of the recycling centre at the Chewton Service Station.
Healthy Waterways Day
Chewton Primary School recently hosted a Healthy Waterways Day on the river flat by Forest Creek.
Creek choir to delight!
A choir of students from Campbells Creek Primary School will be among the talented local acts to delight the crowd at the 2024 Rotary Carols in the Park event next Friday December 20.
Local teachers honoured
Winters Flat Primary School held a special assembly on Monday to honour three of its longtime staff members and highly respected local teachers Karen Brooks, Helen Weir and Fiona Johnston.
Making musical memories
Castlemaine Secondary College's (CSC) stage band and vocal ensemble are still flying high after their unforgettable experience at the 'Generations In Jazz' festival in Mount Gambier, South Australia on May 3-5.
Castlemaine Primary’s playground project on track
Castlemaine Lion's Club has generously donated $10,000 to assist the Castlemaine Primary School to complete urgent works to upgrade the school's junior playground.
Our Newshounds celebrated
The eighth annual Castlemaine Mail/DON KR Castlemaine Newshounds awards were held at the Castlemaine Library foyer last Saturday December 16.
With the generous support of...
Students campaigning for change
Winters Flat Primary School students Georgie (Grade 6) and Aurora (Grade 5) have taken the school's campaign to eradicate plastic fruit stickers a step further, writing to local, state and federal governments calling for a ban.
CSC’s high achievers celebrated
Castlemaine Secondary College was celebrating its high achievers earlier this week as ATAR results were released for the class of 2023.
Climate crisis concert
The School Strike for Climate group from Castlemaine Secondary College will be hosting a concert on Saturday November 11 at The Goods Shed to...
Wheelchairs for Kids
Three local primary schools have taken part in a series of wheelchair races to raise funds to provide wheelchairs to children living in impoverished communities around the world.
Chewton Primary School celebrates 150 years
Chewton Primary School is celebrating its 150th anniversary this Sunday starting with a parade along Hunter Street.